Our Wedding Day!

Our Wedding Day!
I Love you!

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Today I have been thinking about fear.  I never really understood people who lived in fear. There are a few things in life that I fear and I guess the biggest thing is the unknown.  I was thinking about it this morning and there really is no reason to fear the unknown!  God knows what is best for us and our lives.  Whatever you face he is there to help you if you will just trust him.  This is something that I need to remember.  As I was laying down trying to sleep I was thinking about how afraid I was of the unknown.  And I was laying there crying our to God to help me.   Sometimes it is so hard when I am so far away from those that I used to turn to but then i realized who I needed was God.  He is the only one who can really cast out the fear and he is the only one that is always there for you!  God gives us family and friends but there are times they are at work or are miles away and you can't turn to them.  The thing that I always loved about my friends is they would always take me by the hand and lead me back to God and his word the only true place for comfort and security.

I often why God allows things to happen and really it is to teach us to trust him.

The other thing that i fear is what people think.  But friends it really doesn't matter what others think of you.  What we need to focus on is what God thinks of us and if we are living our lives so to please him.  There are things in my life that I could change to please others but I stopped and looked at what the Bible says and what God would do.  There are things that Rick and I had to make decisions on that we had to go to God and see what he would have us to do.  There are days when we will sit and talk about things that God has allowed to happen in our lives and we see how hard and uncomfortable some of the things have been but we can look to God and see that this is his will and that he will be there with us and he will help us.

I just heard this song sung!  I will rest in him!  He will be my GUIDE!  He will show us the path and he will make it clear to us!

Rest In Me
Kevin Inafuku

When confusion fills my life and my world inside is torn apart;
When the road just seems too rough and discouragement just grips my heart,
I lift my eyes and see, the One who died for me
Is standing there beside me, and says so tenderly,

Oh, be still, My child, and know I’m your God.
Rest to know the King of Glory is on your side
Let Me bear all your pain and carry your load,

Oh, be still, My child, and rest in Me.

When I lose the ones I love, and there’s no one there to stand by me
Or when all I have is gone, my dreams, my plans are all destroyed
I lift my eyes and see the One who died for me
Is standing there beside me, and says so tenderly

Oh, be still, My child, and know I’m your God.
Rest to know the King of Glory is on your side
Let Me bear all your pain and carry your load,
Oh, be still, My child, and rest in Me.

Oh, be still, My child, and know I’m your God.
Rest to know the King of Glory is on your side
Let Me bear all your pain and carry your load,
Oh, be still, yes be still, just be still, My child, and rest in Me.


  1. Hi Mrs Stelling! Congratulations! When is your due date?? We are so excited for you! If you are ever passing through St Louis, you know who to call!

    Much love, the Kleins

  2. My due date is September 8th or 9th. We will call you if we are in the areea! We would love to see you! Are you coming to Wisconsin anytime this spring?
